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Yearly Archives: 2024

ACL Order Book Swells to 10

American Cruise Lines (ACL) today announced signed contracts with Chesapeake Shipbuilding for 4 more new ships, bringing the Line’s total orderbook with Chesapeake to 10 ships over the next 3 years. The newbuilds will serve the fast growing U.S. cruise...
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SL-7 Container Ships & An Engineering Myth Busted

The Rolling Stones were wrong: Time is not on my side.Too often a myth is created and if not killed off right away, it will take on a life of its own and time will not debunk it. Many myths are created for evil or political purposes, but some…
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Free Course Aims to Help Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade

A new e-learning course from the IMO covers key concepts and measures to help end illegal market worth an estimated $200 billion per year.The course has been launched to support all stakeholders in the maritime supply chain to address wildlife traffick...
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Austal USA Buys WarpSPEE3D Printer

Austal USA Advanced Technologies (Austal USA AT) has purchased a WarpSPEE3D printer and is currently spearheading an effort to revolutionize the US Navy's supply chain by implementing additive manufacturing.Austal USA AT oversees and operates…
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