(Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration said it would ask the operators of Boeing Co's model 787 airplanes to deactivate the plane's electrical power system periodically.
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Jeff Bezos’ rocket company test-flies suborbital spaceship
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - Blue Origin, a startup space company owned by Amazon.com chief Jeff Bezos, launched an experimental suborbital spaceship from Texas, the first in a series of test flights to develop commercial unmanned and passenger spa...
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NASA spacecraft spots possible ice cap on Pluto
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla (Reuters) - NASA’s Pluto-bound New Horizons spacecraft has spotted surface features on the icy world, including a possible polar cap, images released on Wednesday show.
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Obama’s BRAIN Initiative yields first study results
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The mouse walked, the mouse stopped; the mouse ignored a bowl of food, then scampered back and gobbled it up, and it was all controlled by neuroscientists, researchers reported on Thursday.
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NASA spacecraft makes crashing finale into Mercury
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - - NASA's pioneering Messenger spacecraft ended its four-year study of the planet Mercury on Thursday by crashing into the planet’s surface, scientists said.

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U.S. Air Force plans to launch 1990s-built weather satellite
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force on Wednesday said it plans to launch an aging weather satellite at an expected cost of hundreds of millions of dollars to prevent a gap in forecasting capability and provide another competitive launch opportuni...
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Hands free talk with global reach and style
San Francisco - Anytime, day or night, no matter which way you look, it seems you'll see someone with a smartphone in their hand.
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A pigeon-size dinosaur with bat wings? Strange but true
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scientists in China on Wednesday described one of the weirdest flying creatures ever discovered, a pigeon-size dinosaur with wings like a bat that lived not long before the first birds.
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Russia abandons supply mission to International Space Station
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has abandoned a 2.6 billion ruble ($51 million) mission to supply the International Space Station, the head of the Roscosmos space agency said on Wednesday, the latest setback for the country's beleaguered space program.
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Scientists create ‘ghosts’ in the lab by tricking the brain
Lausanne, SWITZERLAND - Neuroscientists have succeeded in creating 'ghosts' in the laboratory by tricking the brains of test subjects into feeling an unexpected 'presence' in the room.
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