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Fortunes Trademark Media Productions

Fortunes Media owns the royalties for all film and print media including but not limited to trademarks and copyrights of Fortunes Management Groups past and future projects. The Portfolio that includes all intellectual property and digital content for and of Fortunes Management Group and its subsidiaries (commercial and personal) and to include past and current projects of its Founder and CEO Captain Charles Nelson. Fortunes Media assets consist of all media print and imagery of the company treasure projects and or the life story of Captain Charles Nelson.

Treasure Hunting has held a captured audience from the time of story tellers to full feature length films. Treasure Island, Indiana Jones, Sea Hunt and Pirates of the Caribbean, The titles are countless but each has an indelible effect on its young and old readers, listeners and viewers. The Valuation of Media Rights (screen play, book, film) has never been stronger. Advances in communications technologies – satellite, cable, broadband and mobile internet – have revolutionized film and broadcast accessibility enabling billions of people around the world to take part in the spectacle and excitement of all types of select events on demand.

Fortunes CEO has a lifetime of treasure hunts on land and sea. The True Stories are the stuff legends are made of. Trekking over the Andes Mountains on Horseback, traversing an Emerald Mine in the Jungles of Colombia, Flying with Bush Pilots to an armed Diamond mine in Guyana, Diving the Wreck of the “Capitana” off the Coast of Ecuador, these are all real stories and the company believes are worth a “Fortune”, when packaged and marketed properly. In an unprecedented maneuver the CEO of Fortunes, Captain Charles Nelson has committed to Fortunes Management Group Inc. his personal memoirs of his Adventures and accomplishments. Captain Charles Nelson will work with a ghostwriter to publish his biography. Fortunes Management Group Inc. founders will share in the ownership and all copyrights to past and current memoirs, including the filming of Aqua Fortunes projects. Fortunes Management Group intends to film the making of the Aqua Project and the Fortunes Restaurant, the footage to be edited into a “reality story” aptly named Making Fortunes. The company believes this could become in addition, A Television Reality Series as well.

Copyright and related rights, particularly those relating to unique storylines such as Fortunes Media, underpin the relationship between Book, Film and Television media potentials. Huge sums of money are paid for the exclusive right to broadcast or show these Film and Television media events. Also the sale of marketing rights can generate billions, providing a proper relationship is established with the best agent and law firm.

The sale of broadcasting and media rights is now the biggest source of revenue for Television organizations, generating billions of dollars. The royalties that publishers/owners can earn from selling their exclusive stories to media outlets enable them to generate millions of dollars and create new fans all over the world.

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