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Monthly Archives: December 2024

Spotlight on Ro-Ro Safety

This week at Maritime Reporter...The importance of safety on ro-ro vessels comes under the spotlight.The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch released its report into the engine room fire on board the ro-ro Stena Europe and concluded that…
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For Those with Saltwater in Their Veins

The Scythian philosopher Anacharsis (6th century B.C.) said: “There are three sorts of people: those who are alive, those who are dead and those who are at sea.”Many of those onboard the Nella Dan when she grounded in December 1987 never went to sea ag...
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SHIPS for America Act rolled out on the Hill

The bipartisan, bicameral bill will fuel U.S. economy, strengthen national security by responding to China’s threat over the oceans. Currently, the number of U.S.-flagged vessels in international commerce is 80; China has 5,500.Today, Senator Mark Kell...
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Bisso Towboat Christens Tractor Tug Mr. Brian

Bisso Towboat Co., Inc. officially christened the M/V Mr. Brian on December 5, 2024, on the Mississippi River while docked at Woldenburg Riverfront Park at the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas.The Mr. Brian is a 100’ x 38’ x 13.5’ ASD Tractor…
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Israel strikes port, energy targets in Yemen

Israel launched strikes against ports and energy infrastructure in Houthi-held parts of Yemen on Thursday and threatened more attacks against the Iran-aligned militant group, which has launched hundreds of missiles at Israel over the past year.As Israe...
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Kongsberg Maritime to Equip Golar MK II FLNG Vessel

Kongsberg Maritime has secured a contract with Golar LNG, valued over $25 million, to provide an integrated package of electrical, control, safety and propulsion systems for the Golar MK II floating liquified natural gas (FLNG) vessel.Konsberg’s…
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