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Monthly Archives: August 2023

“Handing Over the Keys” of the Wismar Shipyard

The insolvency administrator of the MV Werften Group, Dr Christoph Morgen, today handed over the symbolic key of the Wismar shipyard to Bernard Meyer of Meyer Wismar. The shipyard, which has been owned by TKMS since June 2022, has been leased…
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Two Week Contract Extension for FPSO in Nigeria

FPSO leasing company BW Offshore has signed a short-term extension for its Abo FPSO.The extension was signed with Nigerian Agip Exploration Ltd, a subsidiary of the Italian oil firm Eni, and runs until August 14, 2023.BW Offshore has been in talks to d...
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Ship Recycling Sentiment Remains Low

Recycling sentiments remain negative overall, according to cash buyer GMS, and it seems to now be a declining market.There are very few open recyclers and they are unwilling to offer realistically on the few vessels that are currently available…
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