Stormy weather thwarted a landmark moment for private rocket company SpaceX and NASA on Wednesday, forcing launch directors in Florida to postpone what would have been the first flight of U.S. astronauts into orbit from American soil in nine years.
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In lean times, fierce dinosaur Allosaurus resorted to cannibalism
The dreaded dinosaur Allosaurus was the scourge of the Jurassic Period landscape some 150 million years ago, an apex predator just as Tyrannosaurus rex was 80 million years later during the Cretaceous Period.
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WinGD’s Dual-fuel 12X92DF Engine Gains BV Type Apprval
The biggest and most powerful liquefied natural gas (LNG)-fueled engine ever built has received type approval from classification society Bureau Veritas (BV), Switzerland-based engine manufacturer Winterthur Gas & Diesel (WinGD) said on Wednesday.BV…
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US Sanctions Advisory Raises Hurdles for Global Maritime Industry
Ship owners and insurers say it may be impossible for the maritime industry to fully comply with the Trump administration’s new guidelines on how to avoid sanctions penalties related to Iran, North Korea and Syria, raising the risk of disruptions…
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China’s VLSFO Exports Rose By a Third in April
China's low-sulphur marine fuel exports rose by a third in April compared with March to the highest level yet after it waived export taxes for domestic refiners to meet shipping demand, Chinese customs data showed.Chinese refiners began exporting…
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Vestdavit to Equip US Navy Expeditionary Sea Base Newbuilds
Boat launch and recovery systems supplier Vestdavit said it will deliver motion-compensated davits to the US Navy, following orders placed by shipbuilder General Dynamics NASSCO to equip two Expeditionary Sea Base (ESB) ships.The US shipbuilder’s San D...
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Turbine Foundations Shipped for Virginia Offshore Wind Farm
The first foundations for Dominion Energy's Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind pilot project have been shipped from Germany to Canada for eventual installation 27 miles off the coast of Virginia Beach, Va.On March 31, the foundation components for…
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Profiles in Training: Capt. Ted Morley, MPT
Captain Ted Morley is a ubiquitous figure in maritime training circles, the COO and Academic Principal at MPT in Fort Lauderdales. MPT consistently enrolls more than 10,000 students annually, catering to the whole maritime market from super yachts to s...
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Coast Guard Auxiliary Supports Research Efforts
Unique among the nation’s armed services, the Coast Guard’s missions include national defense, law enforcement, natural disaster incident management, recreational boating safety and environmental protection. This diversity of mission scope presents opp...
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Interview: Takeshi Okamoto, ClassNK
As COVID-19 and a historically weak energy market wreaks havoc on maritime, Takeshi Okamoto, Corporate Officer and General Manager of EOD at ClassNK, tells Maritime Reporter & Engineering News in its May 2020 edition that the pandemic will effectively…
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