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Monthly Archives: May 2020

Hexcel’s HexPly M79 Prepregs Receive Type Approval

Hexcel has announced the Type Approval Certification of its HexPly M79 prepreg materials by DNV GL. This important third party verification allows HexPly M79 materials to be used in all DNV GL classed vessels and provides ship and boat builders…
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Crowley Signs Up to Inmarsat’s Fleet Xpress

Crowley Maritime Corp. has agreed a contract to install Fleet Xpress from satellite communications provider Inmarsat on a majority of its vessels.The 127-year old Florida-headquartered business owns, operates and manages a diverse fleet of almost 100 v...
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Tallink Passenger Traffic Down 96% From Last Year

Estonian shipping firm Tallink on Tuesday reported a 96% drop in April passenger traffic and 14% drop in cargo traffic as countries around Baltic Sea locked down to limit the spread of the coronavirus.Tallink operates large ferries between Estonia and ...
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French Wheat Shipments Remain High Despite Lockdown

French soft wheat shipments outside the EU last month reached a four-year high for April, Refinitiv data showed, as exporters continued to ship high volumes during the coronavirus pandemic.Soft wheat exports to destinations outside the European Union t...
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Eastern Lays Keel for OPC USCGC Argus

Eastern Shipbuilding Group reports that the keel laying ceremony for the U.S. Coast Guard’s first-of-class Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) Argus (WMSM-915) was held on April 28, 2020 at Eastern’s Nelson Street facility in Panama City, Fla. USCGC…
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