Astronomers have gazed into what appears to be a planetary maternity ward, observing for the first time within a huge disk of dense gas and dust surrounding a newly formed star a planet in the process of being born.
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FMC to Investigate Alleged Discriminatory Canadian BWMS Regulations
The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) said it will initiate an investigation into whether ballast water regulations proposed by the Government of Canada discriminate against U.S. flag vessel operators in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence…
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Ingalls Shipbuilding to Host Drive-in Hiring Event
Job candidates looking to be employed by one of the United States' largest shipbuilders will be able to interview for a job without having to leave their cars.America’s largest military shipbuilding company Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII)…
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Monkey studies encouraging for coronavirus vaccine; virus travels further on breezy days
The following is a brief roundup of some of the latest scientific studies on the novel coronavirus and efforts to find treatments and vaccines for COVID-19, the illness caused by the virus.
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NASA human spaceflight chief resigns ahead of launch
NASA's human spaceflight chief Doug Loverro has resigned, according to an internal memo seen by agency employees on Tuesday, just a week before the agency is scheduled to launch two astronauts into space from U.S. soil for the first time since 2011.
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World First: Cruise Ship Piloted Remotely During Sea Trials
Royal Caribbean's Silversea Cruises says it is preparing to take delivery of its newest ship, Silver Origin, following a unique set of COVID-19-related challenges overcome by the shipbuilder and innovative sea trials that included world-first…
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Wilhelmsen Crowdfunds to Support Seafarers COVID-19 Relief
Wilhelmsen Ship Management (WSM) is crowdfunding to support Mission to Seafarers (MtS), one of the largest maritime charities serving merchant crews around the world in addressing the hardships faced by the affected seafarers.The COVID-19 pandemic…
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Port of Indiana-Mt. Vernon Makes ‘Next Generation’ Terminal Upgrades
A recently completed a $2 million capital improvement project aims to attract more cargo to one of the nation’s largest inland ports.Situated 153 miles from the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, the Port of Indiana-Mount Vernon connects t...
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Hornbeck Offshore Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Hornbeck Offshore Services has filed for chapter 11 to implement a prepackaged reorganization plan, according to a court filing in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Houston.The U.S.-based offshore vessel owner with more than $1 billion in long-term…
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Passenger Ferry LNG Conversion Project Kicks Off
Dutch shipyard Royal Niestern Sander has begun building a new aft for a passenger ferry that will be converted to liquefied natural gas (LNG) propulsion for German operator AG Ems.The shipyard is designing and building a completely new stern…
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