Teekay LNG Partners said its first icebreaker liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier newbuild, Eduard Toll, recently completed gas trials. Eduard Toll is Teekay’s first of six 172,000 cubic meter ARC7 LNG carrier newbuildings to be constructed for the Yamal LNG project.
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Boskalis Expanding Subsea
Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. (Boskalis) is set to expand its market position in the area of subsea services, according to its Corporate Business Plan 2017-2019. "In a persistently challenging market there tend to be interesting opportunities…
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DNV GL, Chrysaor Pact for North Sea Operations
DNV GL has secured a combined engineering services agreement with Chrysaor Holdings Ltd. to deliver a unique range of services to the company in support of its North Sea Operations. Chrysaor recently completed the acquisition of a package of…
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Tanjung Pelepas to Provide Training for Maritime Students
Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) for the development of maritime and logistics studies by providing training to UMT students. PTP chief executive officer Marco…
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DMA Zooms in on Autonomous Ships
Together with Danish Shipping, Danish Maritime and IDA Maritime, the Danish Maritime Authority will be hosting an international conference on autonomous ships on Tuesday (14 November 2017) in Copenhagen. All over the world, great efforts are being made...
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Busan Port Aims for Top-notch Eco-friendly Port
To this end, BPA plans to convert 5 conventional RTGC into fully electric RTGs (E-RTGC) by the end of this year and will convert 85 more RTGC equipment. The e-RTGC conversion project is conducted by BPA and Busan Port Terminal Corp. BPA will…
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Denmark, Ghana Cooperate on Safety at Sea
An authority-to-authority cooperation has been initiated between the maritime administrations in Denmark and Ghana to contribute to enhanced safety at sea and to develop the maritime sector in Ghana. As part of the ongoing cooperation between the maritime administrations in Denmark and Ghana…
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Port Security: Preventing Stowaways
Enhanced port security can help the in the facilitation of international maritime traffic and the prevention of stowaways. A national workshop in Freetown, Sierra Leone (6-10 November) is one of a series assisting ports with the highest number of stowa...
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DMA Inaugurates New Headquarters in Korsør
The headquarters of the Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) is now located in Korsør. Initially, the Danish Maritime Authority is established in temporary premises until the final domicile is ready. The Minister for Industry, Business and Financial…
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Port of Antwerp Boosts Name Recognition in India
The port of Antwerp is taking steps to further boost its name recognition in India, by expanding its network of local representatives and setting up the Port of Antwerp Alumni Association. On the occasion of the recent state visit to India by HM King Philippe of Belgium…
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