WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Man's inhumanity to man, as 18th century Scottish poet Robert Burns put it, is no recent development.
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Global Diving & Salvage Hires VP in Houston
Global Diving & Salvage, Inc. has hired Mike Brown as Vice President of Energy Services, working from the company’s Houston office.
In his new position Brown,
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Russian space agency scales back plans as crisis shrinks budget
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will spend 30 percent less on its space program in the next decade and scale back a slew of projects to save money in the face of tanking oil prices and a falling rouble, a plan presented by the country's space agency showed o...
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India launches satellite, moves closer to its own GPS
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India successfully launched the fifth of a constellation of navigation satellites on Wednesday, as part of a program that will reduce dependency on the United States' Global Positioning System (GPS) and other networks.
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Transgenic mosquito ready to join Brazil’s war on Zika virus
BRASILIA (Reuters) - A genetically modified mosquito has helped reduce the proliferation of mosquitoes spreading Zika and other dangerous viruses in Brazil, its developers said on Tuesday.
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Biodegradable bodies for more eco-friendly robots
Scientists from the Italian Institute of Technology are developing 'smart materials' that could lead to robots that will decompose like a human body once they've reached the end of their life-span.
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Tourists rescued from blazing boat off NZ
A passenger ferry, Pee Jay V, carrying 60 people caught fire off the coast of New Zealand on Monday, officials say, but all those on board were rescued safely.
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How the cat got its spots
(Reuters) - A team of biologists and mathematicians from three British universities are challenging conventional thinking on piebaldism - a benign genetic disease caused by a mutation which results in the distinctively colored fur patches of cats, hors...
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How the cat got its spots
(Reuters) - A team of biologists and mathematicians from three British universities are challenging conventional thinking on piebaldism - a benign genetic disease caused by a mutation which results in the distinctively colored fur patches of cats, hors...
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Spielregeln für Residieren On-Line Roulette
Egal, ob Sie drinnen oder im Freien spielen, sollten Sie bestimmte Strategien halten zu bekommen. Darüber hinaus können nachfolgend die richtigen Methoden, um Ihre erfolgreiche bestätigen meistens. In jedem Spiel gibt es einige Regeln und Bedingungen. Trotzdem können Sie nicht einige Videospiele gemäß Technik spielen, wie in einigen Videospielen zu gewinnen auf Ihrem Glück abhängig…
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