Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. (HMM) expects its profitability to improve slightly in the first quarter of next year on the back of an improvement in freight rates and its cost-cutting measures, reports Yonhap, quoting its chief executive Yoo Chang-keun.
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BP’s Mad Dog Major FID in Gulf of Mexico
Sole standalone in a sea of tiebacks: BP's Mad Dog is the only major final investment decision (FID) in deepwater Gulf of Mexico this year, says Wood Mackenzie. On 1 December 2016, BP (60.5% and operator) sanctioned the Mad Dog Phase II development in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico (GoM).
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Leviathan Partners to Start Drilling in Q1 2017
The Leviathan reservoir partners announced on Sunday their plans to begin drilling a new well in the basin during the first quarter of next year, reports The Jerusalem Post. The partners announced today that work will commence in the first quarter…
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MSC Regulus Collides with Ecuadorian Fishing Boat – 5 Dead
Five people died and six have been reported missing following a collision between MSC Regulus, a box ship operated by Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), and the Ecuadorian fishing vessel Don Gerardo II on the border between Ecuador and Peru on Decem...
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HII Awarded $1.4B for LPD 28
Huntington Ingalls Industries, Pascagoula, Mississippi, is being awarded a $1,463,276,000 fixed-price-incentive modification to a previously awarded contract (N00024-16-C-2431) for the procurement of the detail design and construction of USS Fort Laude...
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Go Ahead for Brownsville Ship Channel Deepening
President Barack Obama signed into law the Water Resources and Development Act (WRDA) of 2016, authorizing the Brownsville Ship Channel deepening project, making it eligible for federal funding, as announced by the Port of Brownsville. The Brazos…
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Terragon Trash Tech for BigLift Ship
Terragon Environmental Technologies Inc. and Marship Engineering entered into a contract with Zhejiang Ouhua Shipbuilding China to supply a MAGS V8 for the new build vessel mv Happy Sun of Netherlands based BigLift Shipping (a member of the Spliethoff ...
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Ice breaking Begins in Great Lakes
U.S. Coast Guard Sector Sault Sainte Marie commenced Operation Taconite Monday in response to developing ice conditions in the commercial ports of western Lake Superior and the St Marys River. Operation Taconite is the Coast Guard’s largest domestic ice-breaking operation…
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Disoriented Mariner Rescued in Charleston, Ore
Coast Guard and local fire department crews responded to a mariner who had become lost while attempting to walk back from his vessel after it went soft aground in the Charleston South Slough, Friday. An MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew from Coast…
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DMA Powerboat license: Yes or No?
Now it has become easier to find out whether a powerboat license is required for your boat. The Danish Maritime Authority has added a new function, making it possible for you to insert your boat's length and output and then see whether a powerboat lice...
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