Huntington Ingalls Industries’ (NYSE:HII) Ingalls Shipbuilding division launched the National Security Cutter Kimball (WMSL 756) on Saturday. Kimball is the seventh NSC Ingalls has built for the U.S. Coast Guard; christening is scheduled for March 4, 2017.
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NYK Holds 10th Environmental Management Conference
On November 30 at NYK’s 10th annual Environmental Management Conference in Tokyo, Asahi Unyu Kaisha Ltd. (head office: Aichi; president and CEO: Toshiya Kozawa) and the GENEQ Corporation (head office: Fukuoka; president: Keiji Ushiyama) were…
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$124 mi Reef Authority Funding Boost for Townsville
Australia’s lead management agency for the Great Barrier Reef will receive a $124 million funding boost over the next 10 years from the Turnbull Government. The funding commitment for the Townsville-based Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority…
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Scandlines’ Deploys New Ferry
On Wednesday 21 December 2016, Scandlines’ second new hybrid ferry for the Rostock-Gedser route, M/V Copenhagen, will carry passengers for the first time when it departs from Gedser towards Rostock at 09:00. Scandlines new hybrid ferry was registered…
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TTS Worldwide is OL USA
OL International Holdings LLC (OL International) today announced the renaming and rebranding of TTS Worldwide as OL USA. Effective February 1st, 2017, the change is the latest and most symbolic development in an aggressive, multi-year strategic…
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Hanjin Sells US Terminal Stake to MSC
South Korean ocean carrier Hanjin Shipping Co. signed a deal to sell its stake in the U.S. port operator that runs Long Beach, Calif.’s, biggest container terminal to Mediterranean Shipping Co. (MSC), reports WSJ. Hanjin, which for bankruptcy protection in August…
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CMA CGM PAD Service to Add a Direct Call at Brisbane
CMA CGM has informed that Brisbane, Australia, will be added to the rotation of its PANAMA DIRECT (PAD) service as from m/v HARMONY N voy. 081RPS-082RPN, ETA Brisbane on February 1st, 2017. This new call will allow PANAMA DIRECT to become the…
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Japan successfully launches solid fuel rocket
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's space agency said on Tuesday it had successfully launched a solid fuel rocket named Epsilon-2, the latest in Tokyo's effort to stay competitive in an industry that has robust growth potential and strong security implications.
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COSCO, HPH Terminal Deal in Hong Kong
Hongkong International Terminals Limited (HIT), COSCO-HIT Terminals (Hong Kong) Limited (CHT), and Asia Container Terminals Limited (ACT) have entered into a formal collaboration for the co-management and operation of 16 berths across Terminals 4…
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ZIM Announces Upgraded Lines Structure
In order to improve its services and provide better solutions to market needs, ZIM is announcing a restructuring of its main services on major trades. The new, enhanced structure provides first-class services in the select trades the company is pursuing.
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