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Monthly Archives: December 2016

WWL unease over what 2017 might have in store!

It creates a certain unease over what 2017 might have in store for us, given that the words have gotten bigger and the tone sharper in both political and diplomatic dialogue across the globe. It certainly makes practicing the dark art of making…
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4 People, Dog Rescued 290 miles off Savannah

Four people and a dog were rescued from a sailboat approximately 290-miles off the coast of Savannah, Georgia, Wednesday. Members of Coast Guard Sector Charleston were notified by Boat U.S., that the 38-foot sailboat Luna C. suffered engine failure and damage to the sailboat’s mast, Wednesday.
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Ingalls to Build NSC 9 for USCG

Huntington Ingalls Industries’ (NYSE:HII) Ingalls Shipbuilding division has received a $486 million fixed-price incentive contract from the U.S. Coast Guard to build a ninth National Security Cutter. “With the experience and knowledge our shipbuilders bring to this program…
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Daewoo to Develop Iranian Shipyard

South Korean shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. (DSME) and the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) have signed an outline agreement to cooperate on developing the shipbuilding Industry in Iran.
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‘City of Tokyo’ Refused Access to Paris MoU Region

M/s City of Tokyo vessel was detained in Antwerp (Belgium) on 23rd October 2015 and left the port of Antwerp on 21st October 2016 but failed to call at the repair yard in Dubai as agreed, before 30th November 2016. The ship flies the flag of  Panama, which is white on the current Paris MoU WGB list.
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Hanjin Sells Operations at Port of Seattle

South Korea’s bankrupt shipper Hanjin Shipping is selling its operations of the Port of Seattle’s Terminal 46 to Switzerland-based Mediterranean Shipping COmpany (MSC) subsidiary Terminal Investment Limited (TIL), reports AP. The Seattle Times…
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