WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fourteen U.S. lawmakers on Thursday told the Air Force and NASA they had "serious concerns" about the fact that SpaceX is leading an investigation into the June 28 explosion of its Falcon 9 rocket, and whether it would receive en...
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When is a jackal not a jackal? When it’s really a ‘golden wolf’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - They look alike, act alike and long have been considered to be the same species. But, in the case of the golden jackals found across parts of Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe, it turns out that appearances can be deceivin...
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Earth’s ‘magnetic personality’ much older than previously thought
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Earth's magnetic field has been a life preserver, protecting against relentless solar winds, streams of charged particles rushing from the Sun, that otherwise could strip away the planet's atmosphere and water.
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GM moths could end cabbage ravage
Scientists in Britain say they have developed a way of genetically modifying and controlling an invasive species of moth that causes serious pest damage to cabbages, kale, canola and other similar crops world-wide.
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Minority Report-type insect robots jump on water
The spider robots that invade the bath of Captain John Anderton, played by Tom Cruise, were one of the highlights of iconic 2002 film Minority Report. Now a team of international researchers has created a similar insect android that can launch itself e...
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Philae lander shows there’s more to comets than soft dust
BERLIN/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - The comet lander Philae may be uncommunicative at the moment, but the pictures and measurements it took after it touched down on a comet in November have shown scientists that the comet is covered with coarse material, rath...
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Saving rhinos in a lab
San Francisco, California - Matthew Markus, of biotech company Pembient, is holding up a rhinoceros horn worth thousands of dollars on the black market because a poacher had to risk his life to kill an endangered species to obtain it.

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Four Rescued from Boat Fire in California
U.S. Coast Guard and firefighter crews helped rescue four people from a boat fire Tuesday afternoon in Alameda, Calif.
Coast Guard Sector San Francisco Command
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NASA tests new camera at a space station
NASA astronaut, Terry Virts, recently tested a new camera that seems to provide more detailed material from space.

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Lithium find in exploding star could help solve astronomy puzzle
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Astronomers have discovered lithium in a type of stellar explosion known as a nova for the first time, a find that helps clear up a longstanding mystery in astrophysics about the quantity of the element that has been observed in st...
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