MOSCOW, RUSSIA - Motorcyclists will no longer have to rely on maps or GPS systems, both of which require riders to take their eyes off the road, once a new Russian smart helmet goes on sale this summer.
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‘Little Foot’ fossil sheds light on early human forerunners
Scientists said on Wednesday a sophisticated new dating technique shows that Little Foot, an important fossil of an early human forerunner unearthed in the 1990s in South Africa, is roughly 3.7 million years old.
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Wound-healing laser soon to be a reality: Israeli scientist
Closing wounds and surgical incisions with a laser is a step closer to reality, Israeli scientists say.
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Rodent romance: male mice use ‘love songs’ to woo their women
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - "Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs. And what's wrong with that? I'd like to know," Paul McCartney sings in his 1976 song "Silly Love Songs." Mice might agree.
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Electrical fault corrected, ‘Big Bang’ collider to restart soon
GENEVA (Reuters) - CERN engineers said on Tuesday they have resolved a problem that had delayed the relaunch after a two-year refit of the Large Hadron Collider particle smasher, which is probing the mysteries of the universe.
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Rodent romance: male mice use ‘love songs’ to woo their women
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - "Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs. And what's wrong with that? I'd like to know," Paul McCartney sings in his 1976 song "Silly Love Songs." Mice might agree.
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Little bird’s arduous migration reaches ‘brink of impossibility’
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The blackpoll warbler accomplishes a mighty big feat for a such a little bird.
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